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1) The Project Proposal

2) The Draft

3) Peer Review

4) The Finished Product

The Repurposing Process

The Draft
Peer Review No. 2
Peer Review No. 1

The process of finding an original source to work off was easy. Because there are few things I'm as proud of as my feature, I decided that that would be my source. The feature can be found on the previous page. After finding a New York Times model that had to do with both sports and psychology, I felt more comfortable moving forward with my project. I made my decision to write about split-second decisions in sports and realized that I would have to do a lot of backup researach on sports psychology to make sure I was giving correct information. So, for the next few weeks, I dug up as much research as possible about sports and decision making. From there, my original New York Times-style article about sports psychology expanded into two. The first article expanded on why seasoned athletes make big, forseeable mistakes, and the second article was an opinion piece detailing the importance of therapy for athletes. 


After I was done repurposing my project, I moved on to the remediation portion of class. I knew that I wanted to make a visual explanation of why veteran athletes make silly mistakes, but I wasn't sure if I should do that in the form of a vodcast with photos, or just make a straightforward video. I ended up editing video clips, slides, and music in order to explain my answer. Using iMovie was difficult at first, but after getting used to it, I learned to enjoy the process of syncing transitions and music to the photos and videos on the screen. 


Overall, I'm very pleased with the two-part project I tackled this semester. I was able to explore multiple facets of a topic I enjoy, and I learned how to use Wix and iMovie. 


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